My last thought was a cryptic thought.  It has to do with all these things in my head, and knowing I can’t make sense of them while still attempting to.  It is like going to Vegas thinking you will be that ONE winner… beating the odds.  I know the odds.  They don’t look good.

So…. again… even that last one was cryptic. I HATE CRYPTIC. A LOT. But like the Tao, some stuff in life you hear sounds good but is bullshit, some stuff sounds like bullshit but is REAL good. And then there is stuff that is … is what it is. That is the tao… and my thought. I want to expand on this by being cryptic with a more obvious point.

My uncle is a professor. After a broken marriage and bitter divorce, he was sullen and angry for years.

Fast forward to said Uncle coping with life.  Working, he found himself at a sociology conference in Denmark.  As conferences go, you sit and listen… you sit and talk.  This was about average.  But he met a guy.  These things often happen, and are unavoidable.  What is usually redeeming about this sort of situation is that some of these people are quite nice, and quite smart.

The two got to talking at a bar, as happens in hotels after hearing a load of shit from panels all day.  Some one needs to have a drink and bitch about such things.

So there was my esteemed unc Joe… riffing and sort of pontificating on why he was still so bitter.

The other cat said something so simple (Simple to me anyhoo… but apparently it took my uncle years to get it).

He said, “You are asking the wrong questions. It shouldn’t be ‘why isn’t it’, it should be ‘what is’.”

I don’t like cryptic, but like my uncle said… he didn’t get it for years, but carried that with him… asking it to himself from time to time. He said he finally got it when he was 40.

I am not sure why, but I get it. You can take it for what it is.

I think a lot of the madness and depression in this world would cease to exist if people could deal with reality, rather than float on clouds of useless gerrymandering.  Yup.  Cryptic.  Makes total sense to me.

(usually how it goes anyway)

About Michael

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