Someone at Yelp reached out to me concerned about 50% page view drop at a property.

Not to be conspiratorial, but I did a survey across all our props…. they’re all down. Quite a bit. I hate making assumptions in the dark, and I am just musing on possible reasons, as a non-tech hotel guy who is likely outing himself as not too bright…. but I would love to see if this is across a lot of businesses?

You know Goldman Sachs is helping Yelp court potential buyers right now, to the tune of $900M.

In brick and mortar, sales, transfers, and acquisitions make people do some weird things to make the financials look better on paper. Facebook started banning spoof/spam/bot accounts a few years ago, and a few of our hotels lost 1000’s of likes. That was to make their biz model slightly more legit.

Is that what is happening here? Could we be dropping page views because these stupid bots that have been plaguing every website are getting better under control? Or did Yelp pull the plug on something to make them more legitimate for a potential buyer?

Could you guys check and tell me if you page views are interestingly down?


yelp page view down

About Michael

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