The Economist bolstered Hulu’s incredible success, and their ad model that seems to be catching on.

I adore Hulu’s real TV spots… Alec Baldwin deriding us as dimwit orangutangs or what have you.  I prefer Berkeley Breathed’s “Tv Brainmushed Ambulatory Vacuum Tubes”.

Whatever the case, I heard about “Spotify” launching in the UK today.  It is a similar ad model…. basically itunes for free, other than a quick add every 15 minutes or so.  FCC regs sure make it hard to work in the US, but it should be coming.  And it may be revolutionizing how we accept, use, and voluntarily pay for music.

Of course, with being hacked recently… it is surely that Spotify is relevant that people are spending the time to mess around with them.  Naughty boys and girls at Itunes having off hours fun?

I kid I kid.


About Michael

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