NB: I bought Google Glass, picked them up 10 July 2013, and have logged maybe two hours with them as of 20 March 2014.  My kind, supportive review here: https://www.hrabaconsulting.com/blog/2013/07/31/a-hoteliers-review-of-google-glass-one-month-on-so-far-pretty-good-but-too-utilitarian-to-proffer-forth-overly-giddy-testimony/

I still don’t wear them. A few months ago I started letting one of our hotels play with them and lend them to guests, and now we will try it at the [national park], but just starting out. In fact, I am just letting people borrow them, whenever.


I don’t like google glass and wouldn’t go to this bar.  It’s a utilitarian tool, far too prosaic or pragmatic to need to wear at a bar, unless you are a youtube famous lifecaster, dig? There isn’t a person in wearing it in public, as it is still too limited.

But it’s BRILLIANT marketing. This hotel *wants* the SV / SF tech crowd, and anyone that has Google Glass might be an idiot, but a) they forked over $1630 for them, and b) they probably work for a tech company or *something* that needs i) meeting space ii) hotel rooms for clients and workers and people and iii) a place to feel welcome in a city that is largely (rightly?) alienating and pushing back against them.  The amount of money here is stunning, and the hotel marketing department deserves kudos. Really well played, and well done.

Unless you want pseudo hipster biker punks from Molotov?  As a bar patron, I will see you there. As a hotelier, the winner is the Stanford Court.


About Michael

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