“Staycation” search is up 10% YoY because the word didn’t exist until 3rd quarter 2008. https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=staycation For obvious reasons, marketers misrepresent these numbers.

*So this isn’t my work*, but I know people like real data, periodicals, abstracts, and real professional studies rather than click-bait journalism or anecdotal nonsense from companies selling you a product.

  NB: I bought Google Glass, picked them up 10 July 2013, and have logged maybe two hours with them as of 20 March 2014.  My kind, supportive review here: https://www.hrabaconsulting.com/blog/2013/07/31/a-hoteliers-review-of-google-glass-one-month-on-so-far-pretty-good-but-too-utilitarian-to-proffer-forth-overly-giddy-testimony/ I