I don’t have much to say, other than I obviously don’t have kids or celebrate holidays. =) See below.  I find this profound.  I have been harping on FB for years about this, not that they listen. A

But for Facebook to talk about “engagement” as a currency, when it just, truly, does not exist on Facebook (yet?), is dense. It’s a bad move for them. I imagine I am not the only industry person who will have this point of view. If you don’t, then explain why Facebook chastises our industry, where marketing features like Check-Ins that they claim they are “committed to” offer zero help, broken videos, and links to dead guides (especially funny as the “how to do facebook check-ins” guide links to a pitch black page, a black hole, of you will. —–> Enjoy this page, yourselves: https://www.facebook.com/deals/checkin/business/

I would hate to think that Onity’s botched public relations in response to this lock hack issue is the real issue that would actually endanger our business relationship. Their obviously panicked, and confused, response could destabilize our long time relationship to the point of ending it. But it’s simply whether they are more interested in their current business and bottom line, or the bottom line that they may or may not have in the future. It’s about relationships, guys – don’t forget it, and you’re not handling your relationships very well. Why is every single aspect of this handled via the press? Why hasn’t there been any direct communication? Fix this with your hotels – YOUR CLIENTS AND PARTNERS – or the impact of this somewhat tiny battle will forever be pointed to as when you started to lose the war.

Here’s something interesting…. and for my money, you might want to start focusing on Google vs Amazon in Travel, as the past fades away.  I understand that Amazon Local is angled as a coupon site right