I was just tasked with compiling some industry thoughts about technology vs service. They’re important enough to copy and paste here… I believe. =) Technology commodifies hospitality like the airlines…

“Staycation” search is up 10% YoY because the word didn’t exist until 3rd quarter 2008. https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=staycation For obvious reasons, marketers misrepresent these numbers.

The 47% number, in the US, over two decades, is from an University of Oxford Martin School Study: https://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/news/201309FutureOfEmployment The Economist article from January really

  NB: I bought Google Glass, picked them up 10 July 2013, and have logged maybe two hours with them as of 20 March 2014.  My kind, supportive review here: https://www.hrabaconsulting.com/blog/2013/07/31/a-hoteliers-review-of-google-glass-one-month-on-so-far-pretty-good-but-too-utilitarian-to-proffer-forth-overly-giddy-testimony/ I

Remember, I am a hotel guy, not a blogger. I am not putting in cute pics just to break up the blog and do the best practice stuff.  This wall of text is about helping you. It’s your text to ingest or