A very informal smattering of data and commentary about the complex debate (for owners) about whether to be a dog friendly property or not. The below data is objective, and clearly indicates the benefits

And here comes RoomKey… filling an empty space that the OTA’s have bungled. Here’s an article on Room Key, the hotel brand search engine. Upshot (summary via TNOOZ): Choice Hotels International, Hilton

Hotels, arguably, are among the most sensitive organizations in the world when it comes to respecting all levels of it’s guest’s / patron’s privacy. It’s not our responsibility, however, to be blamed for the growing pains involved with the greatest shift in human communication’s history. Unfortunately, until we resolve these issues…. everyone will grimly fantasize about being important enough to be stalked. It’s not that I am that cynical, it’s just that I know we may not be *that* interesting.

All this being told… I think the slide and panic is over. Our awful day at the beach is done, and what happens next is shaking out the blanket to clear the sand…. and we will see what is jarred loose from the hotel economic fabric. The problems that are still to come are not pro-longed troubles for hotels, it is simply the back end of the recession working itself out. Until then…. buckle up…. I doubt it will be too bumpy a drive home, but it’s gonna be a long ride.

I have been thinking about the odd hypocrisy with some of these review sites… They want your money for advertising, but won’t do much to help you moderate untruthful reviews.  What’s more, I note